Tuesday, December 29, 2015

HHN 25 House Ranking

It may be December, but I'm still not over HHN!  A little while back I wrote my Anticipation Ranking for HHN 25, and thought now, after walking through the houses for myself,  I should write my review. So let's get started!

                                           9:  The Walking Dead

                   I'm sad to say that this house was a HUGE disappointment.  There were practically no props and barley any set design.  The scare actors tried to give it their all, but they didn't have too much to work with.  It was mostly jump scares and there was really no scare factor to this house.

                                                         8: The Purge

                  This house was just another disappointment.  The Purge belongs in the streets, not in a house.  The Purge was my favorite scare zone, so I was excited that it was getting it's own house. I realize that they were planning on this house starting as the Scream house, but something happened and so this house was very last minute.  Still, they could have tried to do more with it.

                                          7: Run:  Blood, Sweat, and Fears

               This house was very confusing if you don't know the back story.  The story is this: there is a new Game show called Run and you are the star!  Competitors from all around the world have come to win, and by win we mean kill each other.  This house wasn't very scary in my opinion.  I felt it could have used a little bit more time and effort.

                                     6: An American Werewolf in London

         I loved the puppets in this house!  They were gigantic and frightening, but the house over all... Not so much.  The set design was great, and same with the puppets and scare actors, but I think the scares just weren't all there.  I was a bit disappointed since it was so high on my anticipation list.

                                       5: Body Collectors: Recollections

        This house's set design was amazing!  The detail, the architecture...it was mind blowing!
I loved the look of this house.  I was caught by surprise from some of the scares, but otherwise it didn't get me that much.  All and all though I love this house!

                                              4: Asylum in Wonderland 3D

            I love 3D houses and this one did not disappoint!  The neon walls, and the colorful lights made it feel like you really were in a a demented version of wonderland!  I could tell that the creative department had a lot of fun with this house.  The masked scare actors were quite terrifying, and the design of the house only added to the coolness of this house!  This house wasn't the scariest, but it sure was fun!

                                                               3: Insidious

         Insidious sure didn't disappoint!  When you are just about to enter the house you see the eerie Insidious house.  It was amazing to me that they built a life size house just for the line! The inside of this house did not disappoint!  The scares from this house were great! The Lip Stick Face Demon got me every time!  The set design was beautiful, in a creepy way, and the scares were perfectly timed. How could I not mention the freaky baby carriage moving all on its own!

                        2: Jack Presents: 25 Years of Monsters & Mayhem

        Being a huge HHN fan, this was like a present from the HHN crew to all of it's fans.  The entire house is like walking through a Halloween Horror Nights museum!  It was amazing!  The scares were perfectly timed and the set design was spectacular!  Don't even get me started on the sfx!  The only tiny problem I had was I felt like there was not enough Jack.  I may have just missed some scenes since I was only able to walk through it once.  Over all though, this house is amazing!  I loved every bit of it!

                                                  1: Freddy VS. Jason 

        I can not express how much I loved this house!  The transfer from the Friday the 13th scenes to the Nightmare on Elm St scenes was so well done, and the scare actors were perfectly casted!  There was one Jason, in the very beginning, and he was towering over everyone!  He was the perfect Jason. The set designs were, as always, mind blowing.  You felt like you were in the movie.  There was one part in the fight scene where Freddy popped out with a Camp Crystal Lake t-shirt.  I thought that was very creative and good way to make you laugh...which doesn't happen that often in the houses!

           This was my top list, whats yours?  Let me know down in the comment section below, and I will see you in the next blog!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome review! Nothing has made me want to visit HHN more than this blog post!
